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Walkthrough for Studio projects

You've just downloaded your Contember project and are eager to dive in and make changes. This tutorial is designed to guide you through the major concepts and help you understand the structure of your Contember project. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a clear idea of where to find what you need and how to make modifications to your project with confidence.

We'll cover essential topics such as project structure, data modeling, user interfaces, and more. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out with Contember, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to make the most of your new project.

So, let's get started and unlock the full potential of your Contember project!

Project downloaded

When you download your project, you'll see this structure:

├── admin/
│ ├── components/
│ ├── pages/
│ ├── .env
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── index.tsx
│ └── vite-env.d.ts
├── api/
│ ├── migrations/
│ ├── model/
│ ├── acl.ts
│ └── index.ts
├── docker/
├── node_modules/
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
└── tsconfig.json
For running Contember locally you'll need following:

Go to the project folder:

cd your_project_name

First step is to install dependencies.

npm install

Now you're ready to start your project locally. Please make sure Docker is running and run:

npm start

It will take about a minute and your project will be running on your computer. Any change you make is on your local machine only so feel free to experiement as much as you'd like.

Services that are now running on your local machine:

For advanced use-cases there is also:

Your data model

In api/model/index.ts file you can find your application data model that AI built.

Really simple example looks like this but you'll obviously have a more complicated one.

import { SchemaDefinition as def } from '@contember/schema-definition'

@acl.allow(publicRole, {
read: ['content'],
when: { hiddenAt: { isNull: true } },
export class Article {
title = def.stringColumn()
content = def.stringColumn()
hiddenAt = def.dateTimeColumn()

Few notes:

  1. Thanks to import { SchemaDefinition as def } you get TypeScript autocompletion. Just press ctrl+space in your editor and you'll what you can use for each entity. It will also underline any errors.
  2. Schema consists of Entities. Each entity has columns with many supported types.
  3. Above Entities you can find access control decorators which define what role can access what.

When you make changes, it won't get applied right away. You need to generate and execute database migration. Just run:

npm run contember migrations:diff name-of-your-migration

Run this command and choose an option Yes and execute immediately. It will create your migration and after confirmation execute it.

Contember CLI

npm run contember is a Contember CLI, if you call this without any arguments you'll see all the available commands. We'll use migrations:diff command. It goes through your schema and generates migration - instructions for Contember how to get from previous state to your new one. This command needs two parameters: first is name of your project (quickstart in our example) and then name your migration. It can be anything you want.

Your user interface

Go to admin/pages where you can find all the pages you have in your project. You'll mostly have listing pages, create pages and edit pages.

Listing pages

import * as React from 'react'
import { DataGridPage, TextCell } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => (
<DataGridPage entities="Article" rendererProps={{ title: 'Articles' }}>
<TextCell field="title" header="Title" />

Few notes:

  1. There's import from @contember/admin package for TypeScript autocompletion.
  2. Each page need to be exported component as default export.
  3. In our example we use DataGridPage component to show the data in a simple datagrid. But there's many more components you can use.
  4. Tell it which entities you'd like to edit. In our case it's Article (it has to be the same name you have in the model).
  5. Another component we use here is a TextCell which is used to show title of each article.

If you go to localhost:1480/article-list you'll see list of your articles. Which is empty as we didn't add any data there yet.

Create page

import * as React from 'react'
import { CreatePage, RichTextField, TextField } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => (
<CreatePage entity="Article" rendererProps={{ title: 'Create Article' }}>
<TextField field="title" label="Title" />
<RichTextField field="content" label="Content" />
  1. There's a CreatePage component.
  2. We tell it what we want to add (Article).
  3. There are two components - TextField and RichTextField and each has fields which to edit.

Edit page

import * as React from 'react'
import { EditPage, RichTextField, TextField } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => (
<EditPage entity="Article(id = $id)" rendererProps={{ title: 'Edit Article' }}>
<TextField field="title" label="Title" />
<RichTextField field="content" label="Content" />

It's pretty much the same as Create page but edits a specific Entity ID.

import * as React from 'react'
import { Menu } from '@contember/admin'

export const Navigation = () => (
<Menu.Item title="Dashboard" to="index" />
<Menu.Item title="Articles" to="articleList" />
<Menu.Item title="Create new article" to="articleCreate" />

Fetch data via GraphQL API

We recommend reading Content API topic however if you're looking to quickly play with the API, we've prepared Insomnia project for you to import and quickly try it out. To use it download it here and just drag&drop it to Insomnia.

Deploy updates to Contember Cloud

Your project is already deployed to Contember Cloud. Therefore all you need to do is to setup a Github Action (or similar if you're not using Github). Take a look at our guide on how to deploy your project to Contember Cloud