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Legacy pages

Contember provides several prepared page components to help you quickly set up common page types in your interface. These page components handle common tasks like loading and saving data, rendering form fields, and displaying entity lists.

Page components are deprecated

The use of page components in Contember to define individual pages is now deemed a legacy approach. Although it served its purpose in earlier applications, it lacks the flexibility and efficiency that modern applications require. For any new developments, we strongly recommend transitioning towards using scope components.


The most basic page component in Contember. It simply renders its children inside a layout. It also has a number of props that can be used to modify the page layout, such as title, side, navigation, or actions. These props allow you to customize the page's title, add content to the side panel, add navigation elements, or add actions to the page.

For more details on these props and their usage, see the API reference.

Example how to use GenericPage

import { GenericPage } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => {
return (
<GenericPage title="Page title">
Content here


CreatePage is a page component used for creating a new entity. It requires an entity prop (of type unconstrained qualified single entity) which specifies the entity type being created. The form fields are defined using its children.

The redirectOnSuccess prop allows you to specify the target page after the entity has been successfully created. If no redirect target is defined, you will be able to create another entity.

You can use the rendererProps prop to modify the layout of the page, similar to the props available in the GenericPage component (such as title, side, and navigation).

If you set the orderField prop, the specified field will be automatically filled with the next available value. This is useful for entities that have an order field, as it allows you to easily specify the order in which the entities should be displayed.

For more details on CreatePage props and their usage, see the API reference.

Example how to use CreatePage

import { CreatePage, TextField } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => {
return (
rendererProps={{ title: 'Create new article' }}
<TextField field={'title'} label={'Title'} />
{/* .... */}

This page will allow you to create a new article and will redirect to the list of articles after the entity has been successfully created. The page will have the title "Create new article" and will automatically fill the order field with the next available value.


EditPage is a page component used for editing a specific entity. It requires an entity prop (of type qualified single entity) which specifies the entity type and its id (or other unique identifier) being edited. The form fields are defined using its children.

The redirectOnSuccess prop allows you to specify a target page to navigate to after the entity has been successfully edited, and the rendererProps prop allows you to pass props to modify the layout of the page, such as the title, side, navigation props etc.

For more details on EditPage props and their usage, see the API reference.

Example how to use EditPage

import { EditPage } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => {
return (
entity="Article(id: $id)"
title: 'Edit article',
<TextField field={'title'} label={'Title'} />
{/* .... */}

In this example, the EditPage component is being used to edit an Article entity with an ID that matches the id parameter from the URL. When the form is successfully submitted, the user will be redirected to the articles/list page. The title prop is being passed to the rendererProps prop to modify the layout of the page.


The DetailPage component is used to display the details of a single entity. It takes an entity prop (of type qualified single entity) which specifies the entity to display. The displayed fields are defined using its children.

A rendererProps prop can be used to modify the layout of the page, such as adding a title or custom actions.

For more details on DetailPage props and their usage, see the API reference.

Example how to use DetailPage

import { DetailPage, Field } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => {
return (
<DetailPage entity="Article(id: $id)" rendererProps={{ title: 'Article Details' }}>
<Field field={'title'} />
{/* .... */}

In this example, the DetailPage component will display the details of the Article entity with an id that matches the id parameter from the URL. The rendererProps prop is used to set the title of the page to "Article Details".

Note that the DetailPage component does not include a persist button by default, as it is primarily used for displaying data rather than editing it. If you need to edit the entity, you should use the EditPage component instead.


The ListPage allows you to display a simple list of specified entities. It requires an entities prop (of type qualified entity list) which specifies the entity type being listed. It also allows defining fields using its children. The ListPage does not provide advanced features such as pagination or filtering. If you need this functionality, you can use the DataGridPage component instead.

You can also use rendererProps prop to modify the layout of the page, such as adding a title or custom actions.

For more details on ListPage props and their usage, see the API reference.

import { ListPage, Field } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => {
return (
<ListPage entities="Article" rendererProps={{title: "Articles"}}>
<Field field={'title'} />
{/* ... */}


DataGridPage is a page component that wraps a DataGrid component. It allows you to display a list of specified entities in a more advanced way, with features such as pagination and filtering.

To use DataGridPage, you need to pass the entities prop (of type qualified entity list) with the name of the entity you want to display in the grid. You can also pass any props that the DataGrid component accepts, such as itemsPerPage to customize the behavior of the grid. Additionally, you can use the rendererProps prop to pass props that modify the layout of the page, such as the title or navigation props.

To define the cells of the grid, you pass them as children to the DataGridPage component. These will be rendered as columns in the grid.

For more details on DataGridPage props and their usage, see the API reference.

Example how to use DataGridPage

import { DataGridPage, HasOneSelectCell, LinkButton, TextCell, GenericCell } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => {
return (
title: 'Articles',
actions: <LinkButton to={'articles/create'}>Create</LinkButton>
<TextCell field={'title'} />
<HasOneSelectCell field={'author'} options={''} />
<LinkButton to={'articles/edit(id: $'}>Edit</LinkButton>


MultiEditPage is a page component in Contember that allows you to edit multiple entities on a single page. It is essentially a wrapper around the Repeater component, which means that you can use it to add, remove, and sort items within the page.

To use MultiEditPage, you must specify the entities you want to edit using the entities prop (of type qualified entity list). To control the behavior of the Repeater, you can pass props such as sortableBy through the rendererProps prop of MultiEditPage. This will allow you to specify which fields should be used to sort the items in the Repeater. You can also pass custom props to modify the layout of the page using the rendererProps prop.

MultiEditPage should only be used for editing a small number of entities, as it does not support advanced features such as pagination or filtering.

For more details on MultiEditPage props and their usage, see the API reference.

Example how to use MultiEditPage

import { MultiEditPage, TextField } from '@contember/admin'

export default () => (
<MultiEditPage entities="Category" rendererProps={{ title: 'Categories', sortableBy: 'order' }}>
<TextField field={'title'} label={'Title'} />