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Links and redirects

Contember's Link component and useRedirect hook offer powerful navigation capabilities within your application. The Link component creates hyperlinks to various routes, with support for both static and dynamic route parameters. The useRedirect hook, on the other hand, provides programmable navigation, letting you change routes based on application logic. These tools facilitate a highly navigable and interactive user interface. Further details can be found in the main documentation section.

The Link component allows you to create a link to a specific route in your application. The to prop specifies the destination page:

<Link to="articles/list">View article</Link>

To pass parameters, you can enclose them in parentheses. There are two types of route parameters that you can pass: literal arguments and variable arguments.

Literal arguments are simple static strings or numbers that can be passed directly, like this:

<Link to="articles/list(view: 'grid')">View article</Link>

Variable arguments allow you to pass dynamic values as part of a link. This is useful when you need to pass data from the current request or context to the target page. To pass a variable argument in a link, you can use the $ symbol followed by the name of the variable in the to prop. You can then pass the value of the variable using the parameters prop, or use one of predefined available variables.

To pass a custom parameter, you can use a $variable in the to prop and pass the value using the parameters prop, like this:

<Link to="articles/list(view: $myViewParam)" parameters={{myViewParam: 'someValue'}}>View articles</Link>

The example will generate url /articles/list?view=someValue.

The $request predefined variable allows you to access the route parameters of the current request. For example, if you are on a page with a URL like /articles/list?view=grid, you can access the view parameter like this:

<Link to="articles/list(view: $request.view)">View articles</Link>

If you want to use a value from the current context entity, you can use the $entity variable, like this:

<Link to="articles/edit(view: $">Edit article</Link>

You can also traverse through relations by chaining together multiple properties, like this:

<Link to="articles/edit(view: $">Edit category</Link>

In addition to the Link component, there is also a LinkButton component, which is a Link component styled as a button.

useRedirect hook

The useRedirect hook allows you to programmatically navigate to a different page within Contember. It returns a callback function that accepts two arguments:

  • target: The target page to navigate to, in the same format as the to prop in the Link component.
  • parameters (optional): An object containing any custom parameters that need to be passed to the target page.

To use useRedirect, you can call the hook in your function component, and then use the returned callback function to navigate to the desired page.

import { useRedirect } from '@contember/interface'

const MyComponent = () => {
const redirect = useRedirect()
const handleClick = () => {
redirect('articles/list(view: $myView)', { myView: 'grid' })

return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>View articles</button>

In the example above, clicking the button will navigate to the articles list page with the view parameter set to grid.