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Form inputs

Form components are used for editing data within Contember Interface. They are designed to work seamlessly with the data binding system, allowing you to focus on building your interface rather than worrying about data fetching, updating, and saving.

Text input fields

Contember provides a variety of input-based form fields to allow you to capture and edit user input. These fields are essential for building user-friendly and intuitive forms in your application.

The most important of these fields is the TextField, which is used for capturing single-line plain text input. This field is easy to use and is especially useful for capturing small amounts of text, such as a name or a short description.

To use a TextField, you need to specify the field and label props. The field prop tells Contember which data field to bind the input to, while the label prop is used to provide a human-readable label for the input.


label prop must be specified, however, if you want your label to be empty, you can provide an undefined value.

Example of how to use a TextField in a form:

import { TextField } from '@contember/admin'

const form = (
<TextField field={'title'} label={'Title'} />

In addition to the TextField, Contember also provides several other text-based form fields:

  • TextareaField - multi-line plain text input
  • EmailField - email input with a client side validation
  • UrlField - URL input with a client side validation

Number input fields

There are two types of number fields available - NumberField and FloatField. Both of these fields are designed to allow users to input and edit numerical values.

The NumberField component is used to input and edit integer values. Props are similar to a TextFiel - including required field and label.

Example of how to use NumberField in your form:

import { NumberField } from '@contember/admin'
const form = (
<NumberField field="age" label="Age" />

The FloatField component is used to input and edit float values. It has the same required props as NumberField.

import { FloatField } from '@contember/admin'

const form = (
<FloatField field="price" label="Price" />

Both NumberField and FloatField support additional props such as description, readOnly, width and more. Refer to the API documentation for a complete list of available props.

Date and Time Fields in Contember

Contember provides a set of form fields for handling dates and times in your admin interface. These fields are built on top of the native HTML input elements and provide a convenient way to handle and manipulate dates and times in your application.


The DateField component is used to input and display dates in your form. It is built on top of the native input type="date" element and provides a native browser picker for selecting a date.

import { DateField } from '@contember/admin'
const form = (
<DateField field="publishedAt" label="Publish date" />


The TimeField component is used to input and display times in your form. It is built on top of the native input type="time" and the value is also selected from a native picker.

import { TimeField } from '@contember/admin'
const form = (
<TimeField field="startTime" label="Start time" />


The DateTimeField component is used to input and display both dates and times in your form. It is built on top of the native input type="datetime-local" element and provides a convenient interface for selecting both a date and a time from a calendar and clock.

import { DateTimeField } from '@contember/admin'
const form = (
<DateTimeField field="deadline" label="Deadline" />

All of these fields require the field prop, which specifies the field in your entity that the value should be saved to. The label prop is also required and is used to display a label for the field in your form.